It is illogical to obsess over things that cannot change. These things are me. Nerdy Weird The future |
Monday, May 17, 2010,9:10 PM
Hey you.
I'm proud of you. Keep trying. We'll get to 140 by the end of June. Especially with the boyfriend gone for two weeks. ;w; Sunday, May 16, 2010,11:57 PM
Dearest Bee,
I'm not going to insult you. We're trying to get past that. I'm writing to remind you that you have goals, important life changing ones. Of course, this one in particular that you're going through is life changing in it's own way, but also has an expiration date. Dair is leaving at the end of the year. What will you do? Become the NM version of Sarah? I think not, my love. We need to keep going, to keep pressing, to push ourself. Work out more than just the bike. Do crunches. You have tons of good food in the house. Healthy food. Don't gorge yourself. Learn to control your hunger instead of letting it control you. Clean your room, your beloved room that you're losing in a week. Stay active. Above all else, love yourself for loving others. Love the man you have with all of your soul till it is time to let go. Please let yourself out of this rut. Wednesday, May 12, 2010,12:27 PM
Wow.... ;w;
For those living in Arizona~ 11 May 2010 г., 16:32 Get it straight: You cross the N. Korean border illegally you get 12 yrs of labor, you cross the Afghan border illegally you get shot, you cross the US border illegally you get a job, a driver's license, Money to live off of, healthcare, education, and force taxpayers to spend mone so one can read a document. We've to carry passports in other countries or face jailtime, why the uproar when we finally do the same? According to the Geneva Convention, we're legally allowed to shoot anyone crossing our border en masse if not uniformed because it's terms of invasion. Now gimme back my job. This blog entry is by one of my friends on LJ. I've known her since 07 on Gaia. I'm so horribly saddened and disappointed and kind of angry. I'll expand on this later. Saturday, May 8, 2010,12:15 PM
I am...
A ridiculously needy girlfriend. A nerd. A wannabe gamer. Obsessed with food. Addicted to the internet. Smart. Passably pretty. Curious. Stubborn. Insecure. Loud. Hispanic. Clumsy. Sexual. Messy. A poor sport. Lazy. Pushy. Easily frightened. A worrier. Submissive. Am trying to be more confident and assertive. |
10 previous posts
Ay Mendigo. ★
Wanted: ★
confusion. ★
:/ ★
Wherein I learn to fall out of love ★
Glee and how it affects Bee's psyche ★
Hey you. ★
Dearest Bee, ★
Wow.... ;w; ★
I am... ★
Past posts by month
April 2010 ★
May 2010 ★
June 2010 ★
July 2010 ★
Coded by wickedicy
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